Past Editions

Meet all past editions and winners of Discapnet Awards for Accessible Technologies

Winners of the 6th edition, 2021

  • Logo audible


    Audible, an Amazon service that offers high quality digital audiobooks.

  • Logo Fundación Síndrome de Down de Madrid

    Fundación Síndrome de Down de Madrid

    Fundación Síndrome de Down de Madrid, for designing accessible technologies for people with intellectual disability and promoting digital literacy for this community.

  • Logo Trésdesis


    Trésdesis, by Ayúdame 3D, a 3D printed arm customized to the needs of each user.

  • Logo Tecnobility


    Tecnobility, a website specialized in technology and accessibility with wide recognition among the community of people with disabilities.

Winners for the 5th Edition, 2019

  • Irisbond Duo

    Irisbond Duo, an alternative communication technology developed by Irisbond Crowdbonding to improve accessibility to people with physical and speech disabilities.

  • Inmaculada Placencia

    Inmaculada Placencia, Senior Expert in Disability and Inclusion at Directorate-General Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion at the European Commission, for her international professional trajectory in the development of ICT accessibility standards. 

  • Marsi Care

    Marsi Care, a venture with a social impact focusing on improving mobility for people with physical disabilities.

Winners for the 4th Edition, 2017

  • Downtown – Adventure in the Metro

    “Downtown – Adventure in the Metro”, a tool developed by Francisco de Victoria University (CEIEC) and Serious Games to promote the integration of people with intellectual disabilities in urban public transport. 

  • Samsung Electronics Iberia

    “Samsung Electronics Iberia”, for including accessibility features to an increasing number devices, making them affordable, and providing training to people with disabilities on how to use them.


    “APP&TOWN COMPAGNON”, a mobile app developed by Mass Factory that provides a guidance system to monitors the movement of people with intellectual disabilities, older adults and other groups throughout the public transportation system allowing them to travel independently.  

Winners for the 3rd Edition, 2015

  • @STIC Aspaym

    “@STIC Aspaym”, a tool developed by ASPAYM National Federation to ease access to online transactions and procedures for people with disabilities, older adults and other groups. 

  • Automation Project Applied to People with Disabilities

    “Automation Project Applied to People with Disabilities”, an initiative carried out by CAM Sisters Hospitallers of Sacred Heart of Jesus consisting of installing technologies within a healthcare center to improve patient monitoring and safety. 

  • Spanish Association for Standardization and Certification

    “Spanish Association for Standardization and Certification (AENOR)”, the responsible body for developing and disseminating technical standards in Spain.  

  • Vodafone

    “Vodafone”, for making accessible communication channels, offering useful services for people with disabilities and promoting accessible technology through its Foundation.

Winners for the 2nd Edition, 2013

  • El tren en tu móvil

    “El tren en tu móvil” (The train on your mobile), an app prototype developed by Patentes Talgo offering a set of applications, compatibles with any web browser, that allows travelers to consult information about their trip and get access to a series of customized accessible services.

  • Cristina Rodríguez-Porrero Miret

    Cristina Rodríguez-Porrero Miret, for her outstanding and well known trajectory within the field of disability, and working with different disability oriented organizations dedicated to ICT accessibility

  • Infoaccesibilidad’s Actions

    Infoaccesibilidad’s Actions for the promotion of inclusion in education for people with disabilities, presented by the Polytechnic University of Catalunya to foster technology accessibility in an educational environment. 

Winners for the 1st Edition, 2011

  • Medicamento Accesible

     “Medicamento Accesible” (accesible medicines), an app developed by Vodafone Spain Foundation in order to promote accessibility in medicines by allowing users to identify them and be able to read medication package inserts content. 

  • La Caixa

    "La Caixa" for their increasing volume of accessible offices and fitting their automated tellers with a series of accessibility features such as screen readers, high contrast, and sign language, among others.

  • Colegio As Covas

     “Colegio As Covas”, for including computer adaptations and self-learning processes for teachers, after a student with special educational needs joined the center. This initiative constitutes an example of creativity. 

  • Renfe Operadora-Adif

    “RENFE Operadora-ADIF”, for their strong commitment to improving accessibility in rail transport.

  • Repsol YPF and their Foundation

    “Repsol YPF” and their Foundation, for their continuous work towards the integration of people with disabilities.